Cast Steel Made Globe Valve can be availed in various trim changes, end connection modifications, packing and gasket change, operator mounting, hand wheel extensions, pressure equalizing, by-pass, weld end bore changes, oxygen and chlorine clearing and packaging. The Globe Valve has large hand wheels for easy operation and is available with gearing motor actuators, pneumatic or hydraulic actuators for difficult services. The Globe Valve has yoke sleeve furnished in aluminium bronze to reduce operating torque and has separate heavy duty, full ported rings for easy maintenance. The Globe Valve has bolted bonnet welding bonnet and pressure seal bonnet in services requiring frequent cycling or with high pressure/ temperature variations. The Globe Valve can be availed in various end connections such as flanged, RTJ flanged or butt welding end for piping flexibility. The Cast Steel Made Globe Valve has ring joint is used in the body to bonnet connection in 900 lb and higher rated valves.